A 46 year old male presented with seizures to the hospital

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. 


Blog by Janhavi Virani 
Roll no 58 

46 year old male patient who is Presser by occupation resident of Miryalguda brought to casuality with chief complaints of 

— recurrent episodes of seizures since the day before 
— pain and swelling in right shoulder 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 12 years back then he had his first episode of seizure , 6 months back he had 2nd episode of seizure, 2 days before presenting to opd he had 2 episodes and the day before he came to opd he had 8 episodes of seizure. 

He presented with recurrent seizures abrupt in onset , each episode is associated with bilateral upper and lower limb spasms, up rolling of the eyes , tongue biting and state confusion after episode. 
Tongue biting is associated with bleeding. 
Each episode lasting for 1 to 5 mins . 
Occurrence of seizures is after alcohol consumption , tobacco consumption, strenuous 

Not associated with aura , salivation , involuntary defecation and micturition. 

During Recurrent seizures —> patient fell down which led to dislocation of the right shoulder went to nearby government hospital and was referred to Kims . 

He had sudden onset of pain in shoulder which is Dragging type associated with swelling and bluish discolouration is skin around the shoulder 

No history of fever , headache , trauma , vomitng , 
Above history is explained by patient’s attendant . She is reliable. 

Past History- 

No history of  Diabetes Mellitus , Hypertension, asthma, tuberculosis, CAD 
12 years back he went through surgery for injury to right hand  in which his little and right finger of right hand was amputated . 

Family History-

No significant family history . 

Personal History - 
Diet : mixed 
Appetite : normal 
Sleep : adequate 
Bowel and bladder: regular 
Addictions : 
History of alcohol consumption since 25 years - 25 units / day since 20 years . 
History of tobacco consumption since 25 years - 5 packets / day 

Patient is conscious, coherent, and cooperative 
Well built and moderately nourishment. 
Pallor - absent 
Icterus- absent 
Cyanosis - absent 
Clubbing- absent 
Edema - absent 
Generalised lymphadenopathy- 

Vitals - 
PR - 70 bpm
RR - 16 cpm
BP - 110/80 mmHg
Temperature- a febrile 


Cardiovascular system  
JVP - not raised 
Visible pulsations: absent 
Apical impulse : left 5th intercostal space in midclavicular line.
Thrills -absent 
S1, S2 - heart sounds heard 
Pericardial rub - absent

Respiratory system:
Patient examined in sitting position
oral cavity- Normal ,nose- normal ,pharynx-normal 
Shape of chest - normal
Chest movements : bilaterally symmetrically reduced
Trachea is central in position.
All inspiratory findings are confirmed
Trachea central in position
Apical impulse in left 5th ICS, 
Chest movements bilaterally symmetrical 

Abdomen examination:
Shape : normal 
Movements :normal
Visible pulsations :absent
Skin or surface of the abdomen : normal 
PERCUSSION- tympanic
AUSCULTATION :bowel sounds heard

CNS - 

Higher mental function -
patient is conscious
oriented to time place and person .
Emotionally stable 
Speech : comprehension is normal , fluency is reduced as he had history of tongue biting during his episodes of seizures . 
Emotionally stable 

CRANIAL NERVE EXAMINATIONS - no abnormalities detected 

Motor system examination- 

Power                    Left

Upper limb             5/5

Lower limb            5/5

Tone.                     Left 

Upper limb        Normal   

Lower limb        Normal   

Reflexes - done only on left hand 

Status Epilepticus with Right shoulder dislocation. 


MRI Brain 

Inj Levipil 500mg iv/bd 
Inj Thiamine 200mg 
Inj Monocef 1gm iv/bd
Inj PAN 40mg iv 
Inj ZOFER 4mg iv 


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